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Re: New version of i386 `boot-floppies' available for testing.

>>>>> "Adam" == Adam Di Carlo <adam@onshore.com> writes:

    >> I decided to go for it, and have built `boot-floppies' 2.2.9.  They
    >> are being uploaded to Incoming on master right now.  If the upload is
    >> rejected, then I guess we'll have to figure out what to do about
    >> that.
    >> Obviously I'm an imposter.

    Adam> Sorry I didn't get a chance to validate your key.

    Adam> Oh, did you tag the sources?

 Yes, I tagged.  And I promised Ben I will rename the tag.  I'll do
 that later today.  It's now karlheg_release_2-2-9, but will be
 renamed to release_2-2-9.

    Adam> I'll try to reach dark in IRC and make sure it's ok.

 Thanks, Adam.

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