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Re: Debian Potato testing

Brandon Mitchell <bmitch@surfree.com> writes:

> Hmm, that was badly worded.  I'm sure the images are bootable, but that 
> would be the kind of error we would want to fix before sending out more 
> cd's, despite the fact that potato is frozen.  I'd at least like to see 
> 2.2.5 boot-floppies make it on the cd (since I have run into problems with 
> 2.2.4).  I'd like to see Adam's blessing before the next set goes out.

My blessing what?

From:	Jim Westveer [SMTP:jwest@netnw.com]

> Hurm... the CD images are bootable.  However, the boot-floppies
> 2.2.4 is still missing the "pre-selected packages" options that
> was in slink. Adam might know more about the status of that.

It's been replaced with 'tasksel'.  comments and bug reports please go
to that pkg and the constituent task-* packages.

Jim, please check out the "slop i386 builds" of 2.2.5 at
http://lully.debian.org/~aph/bf-2.2.5-pre-19990125/.  Compared to
2.2.4, the entire post-install scheme has been gutted and

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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