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Re: net-fetch (was Re: Uploaded boot-floppies 2.2.4 (source all) to master)

On Wed, 5 Jan 2000, Marcel Harkema wrote:

>   Net-fetch hasn't been tested in practice, so I am quite curious whether it
>   works or not.

I tried netfetch today. I didn't know it was new. It's cool enough, it
would be cooler if I didn't have to install all the driver disks...

Anyway, there's a problem with it. I tried roughly 12-15 times to dl the
base2_2.tgz file. Every time, the download was interrupted at some point
between 6 and 9 MB. I thought there was a server problem, but I then
downloaded the file on another computer with Netscape, and put it on a
webserver which is local in our network. Installation from that location
worked without a problem.

It was rather frustrating, really.


  "The female's problem is purely medical. Soon she will drop her
   eggs and they will hatch, and all will be fine." -- Dr. Zoidberg

  http://nils.jeppe.de/  -   Alternative email: nils@work.de

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