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dselect search

My apologies in advance if this is the wrong place to send this, and also
if this has been brought up before.  If appropriate, can someone please
forward this to the correct person/list?  Thanks in advance. :)

One thing that has always somewhat annoyed me is the way that dselect's
search engine works.  When I search for 'gimp', it cycles through
everything that contains that string before it arrives at the package name
that matches the string exactly.  I get libgimp, gimp-manual, etc. first,
and it always seems like the actual package I'm looking for comes last.
Maybe I'm just a pessimist. :)

Anyway, is it possible to make it so that the search string returns the
exact match first (if there is one), followed by packages that contain the

Just a thought.

Cheers................. :)

Matthew Thompson       http://mattyt.net
mattyt@oz.net          http://www.oz.net/~mattyt
--Someday, I'll have a web page.--

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