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Re: Debian Rescue Floppy / Adaptec bug redux

The problem isn't with the Adaptec, it's the Adaptec on certain motherboards.
I'd be happy to test new patches on the more problematic boards I've
experienced, I just don't have the time these days to develop the changes
myself.  I also think that perhaps it's time to experiment with the 2.2 kernels.
I know this makes for a larger image for the floppy, but it may solve all the
problems we have been seeing.

							Dave Bristel

On 6 May 1999, Adam Di Carlo wrote:

> Date: 06 May 1999 21:22:19 -0400
> From: Adam Di Carlo <adam@onshore.com>
> To: debian-testing@lists.debian.org
> Cc: "Karl B. Hammar" <karl@kalle.csb.ki.se>,
>     Mats Engstrom <mats.e@telitel.se>, James Rodgers <jrrodgers@hti.com>,
>     David Bristel <targon@targonia.com>, 36749@bugs.debian.org,
>     "Marcelo E. Magallon" <mmagallo@efis.ucr.ac.cr>,
>     Ossama Othman <othman@cs.wustl.edu>
> Subject: Debian Rescue Floppy / Adaptec bug redux
> Hi.  Sorry for the huge CC but you've probably proposed to help if you
> crept onto that list.
> I am hoping to actually *make* progress on this issue.  The status at
> this point is that we have two attempts to take later drivers and
> patch the 2.0.36 (debian 3) source for these.
> Karl's approach is available at <URL:ftp://kalle.csb.ki.se/pub/> and
> desribed at
> <URL:http://www.debian.org/Lists-Archives/debian-testing-9904/msg00059.html>.
> Marcelo's approach is, in his own words, take
>   a 2.0.36 kernel, configured the same way the rescue floppy is, but
>   using the aic driver version 5.1.15.
> As I understand it, that is not a clean patch.  Also, Marcelo lost the
> source but could probably reconstruct it.
> I think an alternative approach, describe by Ossama at
> <URL:http://www.debian.org/~ossama/DELL6300>, is to actually keep the
> debian 2.0.36-3 kernel, but one that *only* supports the aic7xxxx
> controllers.  This might solve the problem for a different subset of
> users -- I have heard reported cases where the WD scsi controller
> probes hung the adaptecs.
> What I need, for the boot floppies, is simply someone to hand me a
> kernel image and a patch (basically, the compiled kernel, the patch
> against the debian 2.0.36, and the kernel config used to build the
> kernel).  It is *not* the case that we necessarily need to make this
> 2.0.36-4.... if we need to, we can simply add another rescue/drivers
> set like we do for tecra.
> I am happy to do whatever I can to help, that is, nudge people along
> and make a pest of myself -- however, I don't have an problematic
> adaptec controller so cannot neither test nor certify fixes.
> --
> .....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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