Re: Final test build of XFree86 for slink -- PLEASE TEST
>>>>> "Branden" == Branden Robinson <> writes:
Ben> When upgrading from to, I got a
Ben> *whole* lot of warnings from dpkg that it was overwriting
Ben> lots of locales files because --force-overwrite was
Ben> enabled. I believe this was when xbase was being upgraded,
Ben> but the warnings flashed by incredibly quickly.
Branden> This is fixed in -11, which is building now.
Branden> xlib6g needed to replace: xbase (<<
Great. The only other minor comment was when I upgraded, xdm *wasn't*
stopped (contrary to all the other complaints I've heard about the
upgrade ;) but instead it *couldn't* be stopped from /etc/init.d/xdm
stop after the upgrade, because, I guess, of pid files changing
In any case, I had to manually kill the old xdm process, then the new
/etc/init.d/xdm start worked fine.
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