Re: Latest install report
>> Martin Bialasinski <> writes:
> >> "s" == sharkey <> writes:
> >> What if I don't want local
> >> xdm (I want to use startx), but I want xdm running for remote logins
> >> (X-Terminals or such).
> s> That's what I do. I don't think the scripts have ever allowed this
> s> possibility.
> They did. I have a box where X is on hold. The old config had:
That's because with the formet X packages, xdm was contained in
xbase, and there was no way for you to say "I don't want to install
xdm", so the only way out was to have an option to indicate if you
wanted to run xdm.
That's why I say the current behaviour is "don't want it? don't
install it!"
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