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Re: Latest install report

>> "s" == sharkey  <sharkey@ale.physics.sunysb.edu> writes:

>> They did. I have a box where X is on hold. The old config had:
>> xdm-start-server
>> start-xdm
>> You need start-xdm, and if you also want a local xdm login, you also
>> set xdm-start-server

s> That's strange.  I could have sworn that the local server would start
s> even without xdm-start-server set.  My memory lacks parity bits on that
s> point, though...

You are right. Maybe it was intended to work like this. I also found
out why it "worked" on my server. /etc/X11/Xserver pointed to a
non-existing server X-) (I never used startx on the box after some
initial test).

But it is easy to obtain a setup like this (as it just appeared to me). 
Just comment out the Xserver line in /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers.


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