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Testing migration summary 2013-09-27 (Friday)

On 2013-09-27 (Friday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package             version            previous
  adequate                   0.8                0.7.1
  ant                        1.9.2-1            1.9.1-1
  avis-client-c              1.2.4-8            1.2.4-7
  bobcat                     3.16.00-1          3.01.00-1
  bouncycastle               1.49+dfsg-2        1.44+dfsg-3.1
  btrfs-tools                0.19+20130705-2    0.19+20130705-1
  cddlib                     094g-4             094b.dfsg-4.2
  dictionaries-common        1.20.3             1.20.2
  ecj                        3.8.2-4            3.8.2-2
  eclipse-wtp                3.5.0-1            3.4.2-3
  flexc++                    1.07.00-2          0.98.00-1
  fonts-gfs-baskerville      1.1-5              1.1-4
  gcc-defaults               1.123              1.120
  gcl                        2.6.9-5            2.6.9-1
  gf2x                       1.1-1              (not in testing)
  ghc-mod                    3.0.2-1            2.0.2-2
  gnome-chemistry-utils      0.14.3-1           0.14.2-2
  gnome-themes-standard      3.8.4-1            3.8.3-1
  gnuserv                    3.12.8-5           3.12.8-3
  golang-text                0.0~git20130502-1  (not in testing)
  igv                        2.3.14+dfsg-1      2.0.30-1
  ispell-fo                  0.4.2-1            0.4.1-1
  ispell.pt                  20130902-1         20130331-1
  jenkins-instance-identity  1.3-1              1.2-1
  jglobus                    2.0.6-2            2.0.5-1
  jssip                      0.3.7-2            (not in testing)
  kdepim-runtime             4:4.10.5-2         4:4.10.5-1
  klavaro                    1.9.9-1            1.9.7-1
  libconfig-any-perl         0.24-1             0.23-2
  libdata-ical-perl          0.21+dfsg-1        0.18+dfsg-1
  libdata-password-perl      1.08-1             1.07-3
  libdata-section-perl       0.101622-1         0.101621-1
  libdata-showtable-perl     4.1-1              3.3-7
  libdecentxml-java          1.4-1              (not in testing)
  libdir-self-perl           0.11-1             0.10-1
  libemail-thread-perl       0.712-1            0.711-1
  libextutils-cbuilder-perl  0.280212-1         (not in testing)
  libextutils-depends-perl   0.305-1            0.304-1
  libitext-java              2.1.7-7            2.1.7-3+deb7u1
  libm4ri                    20130416-5         0.0.20080521-2
  libm4rie                   20130416-2         (not in testing)
  libnet-telnet-perl         3.04-1             3.03-3
  libsereal-decoder-perl     0.37-1             0.36-1
  libsereal-encoder-perl     0.37-1             0.36-1
  libxerces2-java            2.11.0-7           2.11.0-6
  mgdiff                     1.0-29.1           1.0-29
  natlog                     1.00.1-3           0.91.3-2
  nova                       2013.1.3-2         2013.1.3-1
  pgmemcache                 2.0.6-2            2.0.6-1.1
  plan                       1.10.1-2.1         1.10.1-2
  plexus-containers1.5       1.5.5-5            1.5.5-4
  postgresql-pllua           1:1.0-1            1:0.3.2-4
  python-wstools             0.4.3-1            (not in testing)
  pyudev                     0.16.1-2           0.13-1
  routes                     1.13-3             1.13-2
  scim-pinyin                0.5.92-3           (not in testing)
  simpleid-ldap              1.0.0-2            1.0.0-1
  smlnj                      110.76-1           110.75-1
  snake4                     1.0.12-15.1        1.0.12-14
  stealth                    2.11.03-1          2.11.02-1
  swt-gtk                    3.8.2-3            3.8.0~rc4-1
  synaptiks                  0.8.1-2            0.8.1-1
  system-config-printer      1.4.1-4            1.4.1-3
  telepathy-spec             0.27.1-1           0.26.0-1
  vobcopy                    1.2.0-5            1.2.0-2
  voms-api-java              2.0.10-1           2.0.9-1
  x42-plugins                20130915-1         (not in testing)
  xd                         3.22.08-2          3.22.04-1
  xorg-docs                  1:1.7-1            1:1.6-1
  xorg-sgml-doctools         1:1.11-1           1:1.10-1
  xserver-xorg-video-ark     1:0.7.5-1          1:0.7.4-1
  yatm                       0.8-1              0.6-1
  yubikey-personalization    1.14.1-1           1.14.0-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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