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Testing migration summary 2013-09-26 (Thursday)

On 2013-09-26 (Thursday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                       version                       previous
  catch                                1.0+m10git1e2f1d16-1          (not in testing)
  clonezilla                           3.5.2-2                       3.5.2-1
  coin3                                3.1.4~abc9f50-3               3.1.3-2.2
  dds                                  2.3.0+ddd105-1                2.1.2+ddd105-1
  deal                                 3.1.9-4                       3.1.9-3
  debian-edu-artwork                   0.45-1                        0.44-1
  debianbuttons                        1.10-1                        1.9-1
  duplicity                            0.6.22-1                      0.6.21-3
  dwm                                  6.0-6                         6.0-5
  exmh                                 1:2.8.0-3                     1:2.8.0-1
  fheroes2-pkg                         0+svn20130304-2-1             (not in testing)
  freespace2                           3.7.0+repack-1                3.6.18+repack-1
  gcin                                 2.8.1+dfsg-1        
  greasemonkey                         1.12-1                        0.9.20-1
  haproxy                              1.4.24-2                      1.4.24-1
  httrack                              3.47.27-1                     3.47.21-1
  i18nspector                          0.13-1                        0.12-1
  ibus                                 1.5.3-7                       1.5.1.is.1.4.2-3
  ibus-anthy                           1.5.3-3                       1.2.7-3
  ibus-array                           0.0.2-8                       0.0.2-7
  ibus-chewing                         1.4.3-3                       1.4.3-1
  ibus-client-clutter                  0.0+git20090728.a936bacf-5.1  0.0+git20090728.a936bacf-5
  ibus-hangul                          1.4.2-3                       1.4.2-2
  ibus-m17n                            1.3.4-3                       1.3.4-2
  igal2                                2.1-2                         2.1-1
  input-pad                            1.0.2-1                       1.0.1-2
  intel-microcode                      2.20130906.1                  2.20130808.1
  jesred                               1.2pl1-18                     1.2pl1-17
  kytea                                0.4.6+dfsg-2                  (not in testing)
  laptop-mode-tools                    1.64-1                        1.63-2
  launchy                              2.5-3                         2.5-2
  libgedcom-perl                       1.19-1                        1.16-1
  libio-socket-ssl-perl                1.954-1                       1.953-2
  libnb-javaparser-java                7.3-1                         7.0.1-1
  libosl                               0.6.0-2                       0.6.0-1
  libp11                               0.2.8-3                       0.2.8-2
  libplist                             1.10-1                        1.8-1
  meld                                 1.8.0-1                       1.6.1-1
  mmm-mode                             0.5.1-2                       0.5.1-1
  mobile-broadband-provider-info       20130915-1                    20130903-1
  nagios-plugins                       1.4.16+git20130919-1          1.4.16+git20130912-1
  nexus                                4.3.2-svn1915-1               4.3-svn1898-1
  nmh                                  1.5-release-3                 1.5-release-2
  nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-96xx  96.43.23-7                    96.43.23-6
  openclonk                            5.3.3-2                       5.3.3-1
  palp                                 2.1-2                         2.1-1
  perspectives-extension               4.3.5-1                       4.3.4-1
  pivy                                 0.5.0~v609hg-3                0.5.0~v609hg-1
  puppet                               3.3.0-1                       3.2.4-2
  pydoctor                             0.5b1+bzr603-1                0.3+bzr567-1
  python-biopython                     1.62-1                        1.61-1
  python-gnupg                         0.3.5-2                       0.3.4-1
  sendmail                             8.14.4-4.1                    8.14.4-4
  soqt                                 1.6.0~e8310f-1                1.5.0-2
  systemd                              204-5                         204-4
  tiff                                 4.0.3-5                       4.0.3-4
  vdr                                  2.0.3-1                       2.0.2-1
  vdr-plugin-remoteosd                 1.0.0-1                       0.1.1-10
  vdr-plugin-svdrposd                  1.0.0-1                       0.1.1-13
  vdr-plugin-svdrpservice              1.0.0-1                       0.0.4-19
  windowlab                            1.40-2                        1.40-1
  x11-xserver-utils                    7.7+1                         7.7~3
  xterm                                297-1                         295-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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