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Testing migration summary 2011-04-14 (Thursday)

On 2011-04-14 (Thursday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package             version               previous
  abootimg                   0.3-1                 (not in testing)
  antennavis                 0.3.1-2               0.3.1-1
  aspic                      1.05-4                (not in testing)
  colormake                  0.2-11                0.2-10
  cpanminus                  1.4004-1              (not in testing)
  flvmeta                    1.0.11-1              (not in testing)
  gem2deb                    0.2.1                 (not in testing)
  giblib                     1.2.4-6               1.2.4-5
  guile-lib                  0.2.1-1               0.1.6-1
  imlib2                     1.4.4-1               1.4.2-8
  ipv6calc                   0.82.0-1              0.81.0-1
  iso-codes                  3.25-1                3.24.2-1
  jabref                     2.7~beta1+ds-4        2.7~beta1+ds-3
  jcc                        2.7-2                 2.6-1
  koffice                    1:2.3.3-1             1:2.3.1-3
  koffice-l10n               2.3.2-1               2.3.1-3
  ldns                       1.6.9-2               1.6.9-1
  libdatetime-timezone-perl  1:1.32-1+2011e        1:1.30-1+2011d
  libhttp-tiny-perl          0.012-1               0.010-1
  libmoose-perl              1.25-1                1.24-1
  libnet-twitter-perl        3.17001-1             3.15000-1
  libpdfbox-java             1:1.5.0+dfsg-2        1:0.7.3+dfsg-4
  libppix-regexp-perl        0.020-1               0.019-1
  libruby-extras             0.6                   0.5
  mbt                        3.2.5-3               (not in testing)
  minitube                   1.4.1-1               1.3-1
  mlton                      20100608-4            20100608-2
  net6                       1:1.3.12-2            1:1.3.12-1
  ocaml-faad                 0.2.0-2               (not in testing)
  partimage                  0.6.8-2               0.6.8-1
  pdf2djvu                   0.7.7-1               0.7.6-1
  phonon                     4:4.6.0really4.5.0-2  4:4.6.0really4.4.4-3
  pkcs11-helper              1.08-1                1.07-1
  pyroom                     0.4.1-5               0.4.1-4
  python-opster              2.2-1                 2.1-1
  qutecsound                 0.6.1-1               0.6.0-1
  sic                        1.1-4                 1.1-3
  starman                    0.2010-1              (not in testing)
  tqsllib                    2.2-3                 2.0-10.1
  trustedqsl                 1.13-3                1.11-8.1
  turbojson                  1.3.1-1               1.2.1-4
  unison                     2.32.52-3             2.32.52-2
  verbiste                   0.1.33-1              0.1.32-1
  west-chamber               20100405-1            (not in testing)
  worker                     2.17.11-1             2.17.10-1
  yaskkserv                  0.4.0-5               0.4.0-4

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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