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Testing migration summary 2011-04-13 (Wednesday)

On 2011-04-13 (Wednesday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package           version             previous
  aptitude                 0.6.3-4             0.6.3-3.2
  blacs-mpi                1.1-30              1.1-28.2
  ccid                     1.4.3-1             1.4.2-2
  cifs-utils               2:4.9-1             2:4.5-2
  cl-umlisp                1:2007ac.2-6        1:2007ac.2-5
  cl-umlisp-orf            3.3.2-3             3.3.2-2
  clutter-imcontext        0.1.4-2             0.1.4-1
  cpan-listchanges         0.05-1              (not in testing)
  ctioga2                  0.2-1               (not in testing)
  dhcpcd5                  5.2.12-1            5.2.11-1
  diveintopython3          20110218-1          (not in testing)
  docbookwiki              0.9.2-2             0.9.2-1
  dpkg-cross               2.6.3               2.6.2
  emdebian-crush           2.2.14              2.2.13
  ethtool                  1:2.6.38-1          1:2.6.37-1
  freewheeling             0.6-1.1             0.6-1
  get-iplayer              2.79-2              2.79-1
  gjay                     0.3.2-1             0.3.1-2
  gummi                    0.5.8-1             0.5.5-1
  hunspell-dict-ko         0.5.2-1             0.5.1-1
  iceowl                   1.0~b2-4            1.0~b1+dfsg2-2
  isc-dhcp                 4.1.1-P1-16.1       4.1.1-P1-16
  kdbg                     2.5.0-1             2.4.92~1-1
  kdenlive                 0.7.8+svn5529-1     0.7.8-1
  kombu                    1.0.4-1             (not in testing)
  libemail-date-perl       1.103-3             1.103-2
  libffado                 2.0.99+svn1968-1    2.0.1+svn1856-6
  libhttp-daemon-ssl-perl  1.04-3              1.04-2
  libproc-daemon-perl      0.10-1              0.09-1
  libwww-topica-perl       0.6-4               0.6-3
  mlt                      0.7.0-1             0.5.6+git20100727-1
  multistrap               2.1.13              2.1.12
  nostalgy                 0.2.26-2            (not in testing)
  pebl                     1.0.2-1             (not in testing)
  php-htmlpurifier         4.3.0+dfsg1-1       4.2.0+dfsg1-1
  psutils                  1.17-29             1.17-27
  pygrace                  0.4-2               (not in testing)
  python-bloomfilter       1.0.3-1             (not in testing)
  python-django-mptt       0.4.2-1             (not in testing)
  python-eventlet          0.9.14-1            (not in testing)
  python-iso8601           0.1.4-1             (not in testing)
  python-mongoengine       0.4-2               (not in testing)
  python-simplemediawiki   1.0.2-1             (not in testing)
  python-ucltip            0.4.5-1             (not in testing)
  python-xmlrunner         1.2-1               (not in testing)
  qtads                    2.1.1-1             1.9-1
  springlobby              0.128-1             0.124-1
  tilestache               1.9.0-1             1.7.2-1
  tweepy                   1.7.1-1             (not in testing)
  twiggy                   0.1010+dfsg-1       (not in testing)
  xfonts-baekmuk           2.2-4               2.2-3
  xnee                     3.09-1              3.06-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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