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Testing migration summary 2011-09-30 (Friday)

On 2011-09-30 (Friday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package               version                  previous
  amide                        1.0.0-1                  0.9.3-1
  apt-dater                    0.8.6-1                  0.8.5-3
  aria2                        1.12.1-2                 1.12.1-1
  blm                          0.9.3-3                  0.9.3-2
  bzr-svn                      1.1.0-1                  1.0.4+bzr3475-1
  cbm                          0.1-6                    0.1-5
  compactheader                1.4.2.is.1.4.0-1         1.4.0-1
  concordance                  0.23-2                   0.23-1.2
  darcsum                      1.10-3                   1.10-2
  dash                         0.5.7-2                  0.5.7-1
  dballe                       4.0.18-1.2               4.0.18-1.1
  dovecot                      1:2.0.15-1               1:2.0.13-1.1
  easyconf                     0.9.5-2                  0.9.5-1
  ecj                          3.5.1-3                  3.5.1-2.1
  ffmpegthumbnailer            2.0.7-2                  2.0.7-1
  fonts-horai-umefont          431-2                    431-1
  fonts-ipaexfont              00103-8                  00103-5
  fonts-motoya-l-cedar         1.00-4                   (not in testing)
  fonts-motoya-l-maruberi      1.00-3                   (not in testing)
  fonts-sawarabi-gothic        20110915-1               20110815-1
  freefem3d                    1.0pre10-3               1.0pre10-2.1
  gcal                         3.6.1-1                  3.6.0-1
  gcap                         0.1.0-1                  0.0.8-4
  geeqie                       1:1.0-9                  1:1.0-8
  gjs                          1.29.0-2                 (not in testing)
  glpk-java                    1.0.18-1                 1.0.13-4
  golang                       1:60.1-1                 1:59-1
  gt5                          1.5.0~20101101+bzr28-2   1.5.0~20101101+bzr28-1
  haskell-bytestring-show      0.3.5-1                  0.3.4-2
  haskell-listlike             3.1.2-1                  3.1.1-2
  haskell-weighted-regexp                (not in testing)
  icecc                        0.9.7-4                  0.9.7-2
  json-glib                    0.14.0-1                 0.13.4-2
  lebiniou-data                3.10-1                   3.9-1
  libcrypt-rc4-perl            2.02-2                   (not in testing)
  libhtml-selector-xpath-perl  0.08-1                   0.07-1
  liboping                     1.6.1+2.g207d51d-1.1     (not in testing)
  libparse-cpan-packages-perl  2.35-1                   2.31-1
  libssh                       0.5.2-1                  0.5.1-1
  libytnef                     1.5-4                    1.5-3
  navit                        0.5.0~svn4776+dfsg.1-1   0.5.0~svn4494+dfsg.1-1
  partclone                    0.2.29-1                 0.2.26-1
  php-compat                   1.6.0a3-2                1.6.0a3-1
  postgresql-pljava            1.4.3-1                  1.4.2-4
  pychess                      0.10.1~beta1-1           0.10-1
  python-pgmagick              0.4.2-1                  0.4.1-1
  python-pyramid               1.2+dfsg-1               1.1.2-1
  python-repoze.lru            0.4-1                    0.3-2
  python-webob                 1.1.1-1                  1.1-1
  qasmixer                     0.14.0-1                 0.12.2-1
  readline5                    5.2-10                   5.2-8
  reiser4progs                 1.0.7-6.3                1.0.7-6
  roundcube-plugins-extra      0.5.4-20110919           0.5.3-20110719
  sisu                         3.0.19-1                 3.0.18-1
  socks4-server                4.3.beta2-18             4.3.beta2-16
  starman                      0.2014-1                 0.2013-1
  subvertpy                    0.8.7-1                  0.7.5-1
  sxiv                         0.9-1                    0.8.2-3
  synaptic                     0.75.3                   0.75.2
  synce-trayicon               0.15-1.2                 0.15-1.1
  tdl                          1.5.2-3.1                1.5.2-3
  vim                          2:7.3.315-1              2:7.3.280-1
  voms                         2.0.6-2                  2.0.6-1
  webgen0.5                    0.5.14+dfsg1-1           0.5.13+dfsg-2
  xmms2tray                    0.5.1-2                  0.5.1-1
  yecht                        0.0.2-2                  (not in testing)
  zope.deprecation             3.5.0-1                  3.4.1-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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