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Testing migration summary 2011-09-29 (Thursday)

On 2011-09-29 (Thursday), the following source package(s) entered testing:

  source package                      version                       previous
  apng2gif                            1.3-2                         1.1-1
  atanks                              5.1-1                         5.0-1
  avalon-framework                    4.2.0-8                       4.2.0-7
  bhl                                 1.7.3-2                       1.7.3-1
  clusterssh                          4.00.11-1                     4.00.07-1
  cookie-monster                      1.1.0-1                       (not in testing)
  cron                                3.0pl1-120                    3.0pl1-119
  date                                1.2.30-1                      1.2.29-1
  dblatex                             0.3.2-2                       0.3.2-1
  dfu-programmer                      0.5.4-1                       0.5.1-1
  dlr-languages                       20090805+git.e6b28d27+dfsg-4  20090805+git.e6b28d27+dfsg-3
  doclifter                           2.7-1                         2.6-1
  epm                                 4.2-2                         4.2-1
  exim4                               4.76-3                        4.76-2
  expeyes                             1.0.3-6                       1.0.3-4
  firebug                             1.9.0a0-1                     1.8.1-1
  fonts-cwtex                         1.0-2                         1.0-1
  fonts-ipafont                       00303-5                       00303-4
  fonts-vlgothic                      20110722-4                    20110722-3
  fonts-yozvox-yozfont                13.08~beta8-dfsg-1            13.07-dfsg-2
  funcparserlib                       0.3.5-1                       (not in testing)
  gdevilspie                          1:0.5-2                       1:0.5-1
  genus2reduction                     0.3-2.1                       0.3-2
  geoip-database                      20110918-1                    20110826-1
  greasemonkey                        0.9.11-1                      0.9.8-1
  haskell-hledger-chart               0.15.2-1                      0.15.1-1
  haskell-hledger-vty                 0.15.2-1                      0.15.1-1
  hg-git                              0.2.6-2                       0.2.6-1
  hgsubversion                        1.2.1-2.1                     1.2.1-2
  hgview                              1.3.0-2                       1.2.1-1
  html2ps                             1.0b7-1                       1.0b5-5
  hydra                               7.0-1                         6.5-1
  jemalloc                            2.2.3-1                       2.2.2-1
  jenkins-trilead-ssh2                212-hudson-6+dfsg-1           (not in testing)
  knemo                               0.7.2-1                       0.7.1-1
  lcalc                               0.0.20080205-1.1              0.0.20080205-1
  lemonldap-ng                        1.1.1-2                       1.1.1-1
  libarchive                          2.8.5-3                       2.8.5-1
  libarchive-peek-perl                0.34-1                        (not in testing)
  libclass-objecttemplate-perl        0.7-6                         0.7-5
  libexpect-simple-perl               0.04-2                        0.04-1
  libfind-lib-perl                    1.04-1                        1.03-1
  libguestfs                          1.12.7-1                      1.12.4-2
  libio-async-loop-glib-perl          0.20-1                        0.19-1
  libjifty-plugin-oauth-perl          0.04-2                        0.04-1
  liblatex-driver-perl                0.10-1                        0.08-2
  libmail-sendeasy-perl               1.2-2                         1.2-1
  libmoosex-types-perl                0.30-1                        0.27-1
  libogg-vorbis-header-pureperl-perl  1.0-3                         1.0-2
  libpoe-component-resolver-perl      0.914-1                       0.913-1
  libregexp-assemble-perl             0.35-1                        0.34-6
  libsvn-look-perl                    0.27-1                        0.26-1
  libtemplate-timer-perl              1.00-2                        1.00-1
  libterm-shell-perl                  0.02-3                        0.02-2
  libterm-visual-perl                 0.08-2                        0.08-1
  libtest-indistdir-perl              1.112071-1                    (not in testing)
  libtest-tester-perl                 0.107-2                       0.107-1
  mana                                0.5.3-1                       0.5.2-2
  maven-project-info-reports-plugin   2.4-1                         (not in testing)
  mensis                              0.0.080507-3                  0.0.080507-2
  mercurial                           1.9.2-1                       1.8.3-1
  mpich                               1.2.7-10                      1.2.7-9.1
  muroar                              0.1.6-1                       0.1.5-1
  muroard                             0.1.8-1                       0.1.7-1
  objenesis                           1.2+full-1                    1.2-1
  oboinus                             2.2-1                         (not in testing)
  pari                                2.5.0-2                       2.3.5-2
  pavucontrol                         0.99.2-1                      0.9.9-1
  perlbrew                            0.29-1                        0.28-2
  perlconsole                         0.4-4                         0.4-3
  php-html-common                     1.2.5-2                       1.2.5-1
  php-xml-rss                         1.0.2-1                       1.0.0-1
  python-opster                       3.3.1-1                       3.3-1
  quagga                              0.99.19-1                     0.99.18-2
  ruby-systemu                        2.4.0-1                       (not in testing)
  scalapack                           1.8.0-7                       1.8.0-6
  see                                 0.72-1                        0.61-5
  slurm                               0.4.0-1                       0.3.3-2
  sozi                                11.07-1                       (not in testing)
  sshguard                            1.5-4                         1.5-3
  tclodbc                             2.5.1-1.1                     2.5.1-1
  tmw                                 20110911-1                    1.0+git20110505-2
  tortoisehg                          2.1.1-1                       2.0.5-1
  trn4                                4.0-test77-2                  4.0-test77-1
  verilator                           3.821-1                       3.820-2
  xrdp                                0.5.0-1                       (not in testing)
  yacas                               1.2.2-6                       1.2.2-5
  zeroinstall-injector                1.3-1                         1.2-1
  zorp                                3.9.2-2                       3.9.2-1

This email is automatically generated once a day.  As the installation of
new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you will receive
later changes on the next day.
See http://release.debian.org/testing-watch/ for more information.

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