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Re: Latest install report

>> "MEM" == Marcelo E Magallon <mmagallo@efis.ucr.ac.cr> writes:

MEM> showstoppers in /etc/X11/XF86Config.  If you still manage to make
MEM> a non valid XF86Config (invalid sync ranges, like 2-3, could do
MEM> this), then xdm will start and stop up to four times (not sure
MEM> about the number, could be six)

Cool. I think this is really great. Many have waited for such thing.

>> Then we will have a hard time telling them how to disable xdm in
>> singleuser mode.

MEM> linux single, chmod 0000 /etc/init.d/xdm should do it.

Sure. But it doesn't look good to users if you have to do this, does
it ?

>> Policy says, that a package should be functional after installation. I 
>> don't know if this is wise for xdm. Maybe it should come disabled and
>> print a message how to enable in in postinst.

MEM> Hmm... that's a good point.

But this may be too strong, and one may miss the message during
installation of many packages.

It may be too late for 2.1r0, but how about this:

xdm's init script will only start the local X server, if there is a
start-local-server entry in the conffile and otherwise print an
message. This way the user won't miss the fact that he has to enable
the entry. Maybe also add a verbose entry, so that one can get rid of
the message, if one really doesn't want a local server.


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