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Re: Suggested keysigning meeting in Zurich [Was: Keysigning in Zurich, 7.9. to 12.9.?]


René Mayrhofer <rmayr@debian.org> writes:

> Hi everybody,
> I arrived in Zurich and have also been told that tomorrow, due to the
> holiday, most places will be closed - including the workshop location at
> the ETH building that we will be at during the day. One of the
> organizers suggested that we could meet at the "Imagine" bar at Zurich
> Hauptbahnhof (which is supposedly easy to find and obviously very central).
> Would that work for everybody, e.g. around 18:30? As it won't be a big
> party, there is no need to send keys in advance. I suggest we mostly
> exchange names/fingerprints and check the identity documents next to
> having a one or two drinks. I'd also love briefly discussing a few
> current Debian issues if anybody is interested.

I intend to come, but I'll be 1/2 hour late. My train arrives at 18:58.

> best regards,
> Rene
> ---- There is nothing private in this email.

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Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
~ Samuel Beckett ~

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