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[Debconf13-ch] A lot of work coming...

Hi everybody

Just minutes ago the Debconf Comittee decided that DebConf 13 will be
held in Switzerland. The decision was a though and narrow. Both bids
were considered as very good and people had a hard time making a
decision. The whole meeting minutes are at [1].

As a next step we'll certainly celebrate this at the annual meeting this
Thursday! I still have a bottle of Debian wine. And we should have a
next meeting to organize everything else as soon as possible. To find a
date I've put up a Doodle poll [2]. Please fill this poll until 1st
March 2012.

[2] http://www.doodle.com/9vau6ag92s4a6ryr
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter.
Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
~ Samuel Beckett ~

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