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Re: A mailing list for our bid process: debconf13-ch@lists.debconf.net

Hi Cate and debian.ch

Excerpts from Giacomo Catenazzi's message of 2011-08-20 19:01:22 +0200:
> Hello debian.ch,
> as recommended by debconf team, see
> http://lists.debconf.org/lurker/message/20110819.221245.92b124d6.en.html
> I requested the debconf13-ch@lists.debconf.net mailing list.

I think this recommendation was more meant to avoid having these
preparatins only by private mail. As the debian.ch community
mailinglist is publically archived I don't really see an advantage.

> So please use/include this new list for debconf13 related emails.
> To subscribe and to view the archives go to:
> http://lists.debconf.net/mailman/listinfo/debconf13-ch
> (or use the usual -request) methods.

I'm not sure if yet another list is really useful at this stage of the
process. I'd rather keep the discussions on the debian.ch community
list at the moment. My main reason for this is that I'd like to
involve as many people as possible and that at least up until now the
discussion did not disturb the community mailinglist. 

IMO we should discuss this at our next meeting.

I think we should use the debconf.net wiki for our preparations as
debian.ch does not have a wiki.

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Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
~ Samuel Beckett ~

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