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I just went throught my accounts (financial accounts, that is) and have seen 
a few incoming payments, which reminded me that I've never really thanked 
those people who helped me with the umbrellas by advertising them to 
friends, taking them to conferences and carrying them around and everything, 
and of course to Luca for taking on the rest of the umbrellas and handling 
it for debian.ch.

Fact is: there are still quite a few umbrellas for sale (see 
<http://debian.ch/merchandise>), so tell your friends who don't have one 
yet. And for those who'd rather like a black umbrella: the sooner the white 
umbrellas have been sold, the faster somebody will have black umbrellas 

(Admittedly, with the spring weather right now, it doesn't look like a time 
for umbrellas...)

-- vbi

Development code can brick your network adapter,
scramble your filesystems, open up severe security
holes, or save your documents as OOXML
        -- Jonathan Corbet, Linux Weekly News

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