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Re: [reminder] AGM in Bern on 10 Dec 2009, 19:00

Hi there!

On Thu, 03 Dec 2009 18:54:27 +0100, martin f krafft wrote:
> The debian.ch AGM 2009 will take place on 10 December 2009, at 19:00
> hours at Gaudenz Steinlin's place:
>   Langmauerweg 112, Bern
>   http://map.search.ch/bern/langmauerweg-112
> I shall be at the Treffpunkt inside the main hall of the Bern train
> station at 18:40 to show the way. 076/4717846 if you need to get in
> touch with me.

My train should arrive at 18:26 in Bern, so I will wait for you and the
others there.

FWIW, I will try to catch the last train to Genève, which departs from
Bern at 23:08.  I take my sleeping bag, in case I will fail ;-)

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca

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