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Re: Sprint Report: Debian Cloud Sprint November 2016 (LONG!)

On Tue, 2016-11-29 at 17:07 +0000, Steve McIntyre wrote:
[ big cut ]

> *** ACTION: Tomasz to contact the *boto* maintainers asking about
>     an update before freeze, backporting, maybe salvaging it

botocore is in Stretch in version 1.4.70 (upstream is at 1.5.7)
boto3: Stretch in version 1.4.2, upstream 1.4.4.
boto: Stretch in version 2.44.0, upstream 2.45.0.

Out of those, only botocore is in not-so-good shape.
At the same time it changes the most often (new regions, new services).

I wrote to packager (TANIGUCHI Takaki) asking about plans
to backport.

Best regards.

Tomasz Rybak, Debian Maintainer <tomasz.rybak@post.pl>
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