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Re: request to rebuild my package libcork (FTBFS on landau, but was built OK on andi)

Hi Roger,
> On 6 Oct 2016, at 11:51, Roger Shimizu <rogershimizu@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm trying to handle the SONAME first, since the transition freeze
> will come soon.
> (although I'll try to not get involved in transition. explaining below)
> On Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 10:23 PM, James Clarke <jrtc27@jrtc27.com> wrote:
>> Whilst building the package, I couldn’t help but notice that libcork15 contains
>> libcork.so.15, which is a symlink to libcork.so.16.0.1. This is clearly very
>> very wrong (package name should be bumped up to libcork16, and the symlink
>> should be called libcork.so.16). The cause of this is a crazy calculation in
>> upstream’s cmake/FindCTargets.cmake, where on line 66 it does:
> I created the patch, just works as you suggested.
> So could you kindly help to review it?
> - https://github.com/rogers0/libcork/commit/8d45ec

Yes, that looks fine. Have you forwarded it upstream?

>> This is then used to create the libcork.so.$__SOVERSION symlink, and given that
>> __VERSION_CURRENT is 16 and __VERSION_AGE is 1, it calculates 16-1=15.
>> __SOVERSION and __VERSION_CURRENT should be the same thing. Please request a
>> transition, patch FindCTargets.cmake, bump the package name up to libcork16,
>> upload the fixed version and file binNMUs. And, of course, get upstream
>> patched.
> Since there's no ABI change from libcork15 to libcork16, they should
> be no problem to replace the old with the new.
> So here's my solution:
> - https://github.com/rogers0/libcork/commit/f222c5
> Do you think it's a good idea to avoid transition?

If you’re doing that, I would consult other people (IRC is a good source), as I
don’t know all the subtleties about package renaming and only have [1] to go on.
However, IMO, given that you only have two reverse dependencies (namely
src:shadowsocks-libev and src:libcorkipset), I would just do a transition and
avoid picking up the cruft (and potential confusion), but I don’t have much
experience of these things.


[1] https://wiki.debian.org/RenamingPackages

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