Re: Ultra-5 freezing
hi thank you all for the responses. sounds like i need to try older 2.6
kernel... hopefully can do this with apt-get because i dont want to
reinstall OS. BSD is an OS i am scared of :) but have been wanting to
try it again so perhaps will take the plunge again and try NetBSD if i
cannot get some stability out of Linux....
Patrick Baggett wrote on 09/11/2014 12:59 PM:
> When you say you are experiencing hard freezes, can you give a time frame?
>>From you email it sounds like this:
> * Installed Wheezy (works 100% perfectly?)
> * Some time passes
> * Now, it hard freezes (at boot? after a minute? after an hour? one week?)
yes it seems to work 100% but that is just from my viewpoint through an
SSH connection to the box... seems there might be issues with fan
control, etc. that i'm not aware of. a random amount of time will pass
and then system freezes. it seems to be related to increased hard disk
activity, as i noticed some freezes when taking a full backup with
bacula, and most recent freeze happened after apt-get started to install
and now that i think harder, i think i do remember seeing some ECC
errors in the system log back when i was running SunOS. maybe the RAM
does have some issues but the ECC was properly handled by SunOS so i
never experienced any problems. can anyone speak about ECC handling
with Debian SPARC Linux kernel? how about the NetBSD kernel, Joël?
> I don't have problems with my Sun Ultra 80 or SB 2500 on Linux. I also
> don't keep them on for weeks at a time though -- although I used to without
> issues.
yes mine has been 'always on' inside of a datacenter, 100+ days uptimes :)
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