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Re: QLogic PTI firmware

Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
crn@netunix.com wrote:
On Mon, 21 Jan 2013, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

I've got a (non-critical) E4500 here with a D1000 JBOD, I appear to be able to crash 3.2.35 if the controller's stressed by e.g. 12x jobs each running dd to wipe a disc.

I've definitely got a reproducible failure here, if I have more than (I think) 5x jobs running simultaneously. I don't think I can raise a bug against this one unless somebody can point me at an appropriate firmware binary to test.

Hmmm - Its a long time ago but I have seen this before.
Check that both halfs of the D1000 have Differential terminators - the
correct items are clearly marked with the word "Differential" and that
the terminators do not have any broken  bent or missing pins.

Happy New Year etc. Chris :-)

What's acceptable cabling practice on this: it's been set up hung off a single controller with the two halves daisy-chained. Cables are Sun or (decent) IBM and it's a Sun differential terminator, I see no failures if the job count is <=4 (but I continue testing this- it's useful extra heat).

I think it's worth noting explicitly that there's 12x CPUs in this system. I note (but don't see as directly relevant) that the controller won't load the firmware during startup, has to be done by a manual rmmod/modprobe.

Chris, I think some thing from you vanished into the spambin at about 20:30. Please could you resend it to the address below.

If the host is talking only to the B side of the JBOD it appears OK, but if it's talking only to the A side it fails after an hour or so (6x dd to a disc).

Option switch appears to be set to default (drives 0-5, 8-13). Box ID 0. I'm currently exercising the A side in smaller groups to see if there's a dud drive fouling things up.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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