On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 01:42:00AM -0400, A E [Gmail] wrote: > I can't get past this. I managed to compile the whole software platform > under 32-bit but when I try to run it, it core dumps. When it dumps core, what signal occurs? If it's SIGBUS, then it's almost certainly an unaligned access, which means that the program is buggy. If it's just SIGSEGV, that's not very helpful. -- brian m. carlson / brian with sandals: Houston, Texas, US +1 832 623 2791 | http://www.crustytoothpaste.net/~bmc | My opinion only OpenPGP: RSA v4 4096b: 88AC E9B2 9196 305B A994 7552 F1BA 225C 0223 B187
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