On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 8:38 AM, Frans van Berckel
<fberckel@xs4all.nl> wrote:
On Sun, 2011-04-10 at 02:06 -0400, A E [Gmail] wrote:
> Thanks for that...but I am such a novice, I'm a little scared and
> feeling out of my league in this yet, I gave it a try as per the
> instructions on that page. They seem to use the unstable version as an
> example but I couldn't figure out a way to point that to the stable
> version to build my 64-bit userland. In any case, I followed the
> instructions. But when I got to chroot, I got a bunch of errors
> (pasted in the end of the email): As you can see below, they all talk
> about libc6 not being installed, when I have them all installed:
> v100:~# dpkg --get-selections | grep libc6
> libc6 install
> libc6-dev install
> libc6-dev-sparc64 install
> libc6-sparc64 install
> Should I remove libc6 and libc6-dev and only the sparc64 versions
> should be there?
> # chroot sparc64-port dpkg --configure -a
Sure ... that's doesn't make you happy. Leave dpkg --configure as it is.
And go into the chroot now. And try apt-get update & dist-upgrade. And
next try to install all the build libraries needed. It wont be easy.
# chroot sparc64-port
# apt-get update
# apt-get dist-upgrade
# apt-get install build-essential
# apt-cache search linux image
# apt-get install linux image
I have done it on a separated partition and was even able to boot. In
that case you can all-way's checkout Google for a wiki about Debian
Choot Install. Because it will let you do some more needed settings.
Frans van Berckel
Thanks Frans, I will give this a try. However, the sparc64.conf that's in the example only points to the 'sid' release and inside of it it says suite=unstable. I went to the location from where it was downloading this stuff, but there is no "stable" version there. So do I need to build this chroot environment with libraries/binaries etc from the unstable branch?