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Mysql 4GB mem limit and SPARC64


I've installed Debian SPARC64 port on a Sunfire T5220 (so, a Niagara2) with 
32GB of RAM but unfortunately mysql is, as every userland program in Debain 
SPARC64, a 32bit application.
This is a great limitation cause you cannot make mysql use more than 4GB of 
RAM and with really big InnoDB tablespace this is a real PITA cause you cannot 
get all the queries cached in RAM and performances drop, so we're just wasting 
RAM cause this should be a mysql box.

Any idea on how to solve this? Does recompiling work? Even gcc is a 32bit 
application so I'm not pretty sure.

Thanks in advance

PS please CC me when answering cause I'm not subscribed. Thanks

Davide Ferrari
Atrapalo.com System Administrator

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