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Realaudio on Etch

Dear Sparc fans,

Is there a way to play RealAudio streams on Debian sparc? The audio on my SunBlade 100 works, and I have even managed to use mplayer to play Windows Media streams. But mplayer crashes[1] when fed a RealAudio stream and xine doesnt work either[2] Is there another alternative to try that I have missed? Or is there some trick to getting mplayer/xine to work?

Many thanks


[1] The mplayer crash looks like:

Resolving rmv8.bbc.net.uk for AF_INET...
Connecting to server rmv8.bbc.net.uk[]: 554...

MPlayer interrupted by signal 10 in module: open_stream
- MPlayer crashed. This shouldn't happen.

[2] xine says

audio_decoder: no plugin available to handle RealAudio COOK

...but xine won't play the stream in question on etch i386 either. It doesn't fail in the above manner, it just sits there not working.


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