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KDE and HAL in etch

Hi All,

I have just put etch onto a Sunblade 100. Having dealt with the "boot from CD" problem[1] and the "mystery options in xorg.conf" problem[2] it looks as if it will be a nice machine.

One of the nice things about etch on i386 is that if you plug in a USB stick, then KDE notices it and asks if you want to mount it. This doesn't happen on Sparc. I _think_ I have all the same packages installed as on my i386 machine. I have checked the system log and note that udev is working and assigning the USB stick to /dev/sda and /dev/sda1. I can then mount it by hand if necessary. But KDE ignores it.

Digging into the KDE control center, and looking under Peripherals/Storage Media/Advanced, I note that there is an option to "Enable HAL backend". But it is grayed out, so I can't select it. On my i386 box it is greyed out but also checked so that you can't _un-check_ it.

Is there some package I have missed out? If so, what is it? Or is it the case that KDE on Sparc is built with HAL disabled, while on i386 it is built with it enabled. In that case there would be nothing I could do. Is that the case? If so, should I report it as a bug, and for what package?

Yours, plugging and praying,


[1] cold-boot and use video=atyfb:off
[2] Option "ReferenceClock" "29.5MHz" needed in Section "Device"

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