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Sound with the CS4231 module (Ultra 5)


I have an Ultra 5 where I use the `snd-sun-cs4231' module.  Some
applications seem to work fine with it (e.g., "mpg321", "aplay -r 44100
-f cd" with appropriate input) while others don't.

Beep-media-player, for instance, would play the music faster, as though
it skipped one sample out of four or something like that.  The situation
with PulseAudio (using its `alsa-sink' module) is worse: it makes weird
noise that can hardly be correlated with the input files.

Any idea how to work around these issues?  I was tempted to think that
either all applications using the ALSA API would work or none of them
would, but the situation is more complex.


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