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RE: Unable to boot daily netboot image


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Daniel 'NebuchadnezzaR' Dehennin [mailto:sparc@asgardr.info] 
>Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 7:22 PM
>To: debian-sparc@lists.debian.org
>Subject: Unable to boot daily netboot image
>I try every days to boot
>on my sunblade 2000.
>I have the message "booting Linux..." and nothing more :-/

Could be a problem with the newer silo versions. I've had almost the same
problem on a Sun Fire 280R (silo coming up, trying boot, mmu error, system
halted immediately), tried Etch beta3 iso with silo 1.4.12 - worked.

>I see nothing about this on debian-boot, #debian-boot suggests me to
>ask here.
>Thanks for any hint to solve this issue.



>Daniel 'NebuchadnezzaR' Dehennin
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