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Re: sparc meeting requirements for etch

(Not directed at you Aurelien, the offer is appreciated)

I'll repeat what I said to someone in private email. All of these offers
are nice, and every one seems to think "lots of offers are being ignored".

What most people fail to understand is that it's not merely an issue of a
machine being offered, and hosted, and just use it.

We need machines that are stable, long-term, secure, or atleast in a
trusted location. We cannot, and will not start distributing packages that
are built on a machine we cannot physically trust. How are we to know that
machine will be around 6 months to a year from now? Because hosting a
buildd is, in my eyes, atleast a 2 year commitment.

Also, how are we to be sure that the hosting is secure? Offering it on
persons home DSL is not satisfactory. Hosting at their office, hidden in
the back corner where management can't find it, and doesn't know about it,
is not ideal.

So yes, all the offers for buildd machines are greatly appreciated. To be
quite honest, equipment isn't the problem. I have 3 UltraSPARC's here,
Ultra2 (2x400Mhz), Blade 150, Enterprise 3000, and Debian already has an
Ultra30 2x366Mhz machine that I can setup.

What we lack is someone pointing to an IP address saying, saying "Here's
an 8-way UltraSPARC 4000 hosted on a multihomed T3, here's root access, we
wont touch the box, and it will be there for as long as you need it. I,
the company president, personally ok use of our resources for Debian."

Everyone who says "I have a machine you can use on my DSL/office-lan"
isn't really helping, and we can't really consider it an offer.

On Wed, Sep 21, 2005 at 07:08:45PM +0200, Aurelien Jarno wrote:
> Blars Blarson a ?crit :
> >vore is currently the only active buildd machine, and it is unable to
> >keep up with the desired 98% durring the middle of the release cycle.
> >However, it is close and the release team might be willing to accept
> >two machines of this class as meeting the N+1 buildd requirement.
> >
> If needed I could make my machine to act as a buildd. It is Ultra 10 
> with an UltraSparc II 333MHz, 256MB of RAM and 60GB of disk. It already 
> has sbuild running on it with woody, sarge, etch and sid chroots. So 
> turning it into a buildd is only a question of having access to wanna-build.
> I would prefer to keep it at home on my DSL line, as I am also using it 
> as a development machine from time to time. It does not have a public IP 
> address, but that should not be a problem, I am already running a 
> kfreebsd-i386 build daemon that way.
> -- 
>   .''`.  Aurelien Jarno	            | GPG: 1024D/F1BCDB73
>  : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux developer | Electrical Engineer
>  `. `'   aurel32@debian.org         | aurelien@aurel32.net
>    `-    people.debian.org/~aurel32 | www.aurel32.net
> -- 
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