Re: Sarge may be last Debian release for 32 bit sparc systems
On Wed, 7 Sep 2005, Martin Habets wrote:
Sorry to rattle up old dust here...
It's fine, as long as it's for a good cause :-).
Have you also checked for the filesystem corruption with stock kernels?
With what filesystems/disks do you see this? 2.6.10 was still okay, right?
To the best of my knowledge, 2.6.10 was the last stable kernel on
HyperSPARC machines. The first one which broke for me was 2.6.11-rc2 or
-rc3. I don't recall whether I've actually tested vanilla 2.6.12, but we
did not have any sparc32-specific patches in Debian at that point.
I remember having this issue waay back in the 2.6.0 prereleases. After
rearanging the memory according to the official sun documentation it always
boots fine. Are you seeing intermittend boot problems, or is it just that
you can't plug in the memory anywhere you want?
I never experienced problems like that. Bob Breuer wrote in [0] that after
rearranging the memory he was able to trigger a failure on a machine which
was working reliably before. He said that it might be due to
CONFIG_HIGHMEM being set, but disabling it did not improve the situation.
I have no problem testing any debian kernels you build, but I normally run
stock kernels (usually without problems). I only have a SS20 with a SuperSparc,
so I cannot test HyperSparc specific issues. Besides this I don't use
initrd, so that's another complication out of the way.
The latest kernel I run now is 2.6.10, but will start testing 2.6.13 soon.
Please keep the list posted. I have recently moved, so currently I don't
have _any_ Sparc machines. This situation is likely to improve within a
month or so, but at the moment there are more important things to take
care of.
Can someone point me to the extra patches included in this debian-kernel
SVN thing? I don't know svn, so a web link or a tarball would be best for
me. I could inspect these patches once or twice, but have no intention of
checking them all the time.
You can view the patches online at [1], or by installing the latest patch
package, like linux-patch-debian-2.6.12. The patches will then be
installed into the /usr/src/kernel-patches/all/2.6.12/debian/ directory.
Best regards,
Jurij Smakov
Key: KeyID: C99E03CC
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