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Re: Serial console on Ultra10 - no login-prompt

2005-04-12 kl. 11.56 skrev Martin Habets:

On sparc32 I have a CONFIG_SERIAL_CONSOLE set. Seems suspicious to me
you don't have that.

My gut feeling is that the bash issue is related to some virtual
terminal thing. Check you have /dev/tty and /dev/pty*.



As far as I can tell, CONFIG_SERIAL_CONSOLE shouldn't be in sparc64. There are no references to it in the sparc64-tree.

Also, I have both /dev/tty* and /dev/pty*:
$ ls /dev/tty* | wc -l
$ ls /dev/pty* | wc -l

I'm pretty sure virtual terminals has nothing to do with it, or else I'd be experienceng more problems imho.

// Olle Görling

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