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Re: Sun Ultra 5, "poweroff" without keyboard (off-topic?)

Eric Brower <ebrower@gmail.com> writes:

> On 04 Apr 2005 20:47:01 +0200, Sebastian Niehaus
> <killedbythoughts@mindcrime.net> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > i have an Sun Ultra 5 running Debian Sparc. Usually if I want to
> > switch off a maschine I use the command "poweroff".
> > 
> > Anyway, on my Sun Ultra 5 this command does not power off the computer
> > as long as the keyboard is not attached. Starting with the keyboard
> > pluggend, powering off is enabled as well as the switch at the front
> > of the maschine.
> You didn't specify which kernel you are running on your system(s).  

Yes. Hm. The Ultra 1 (which powers down) runs 2.4.27, the Ultra 5
which doesn't runs 2.4.18.


Good idea to habe a look at the kernel versions :-)

> If
> you have the file /proc/sys/kernel/scons-poweroff make sure the value
> within is "1".  

The Ultra 1 has the value "1", the Ultra 5 (running 2.4.18)
doesn't. Maybe time to install a new kernel?

> If the file does not exist, or is 0, default behaviour
> is for shutdown to take you to OBP rather than power-off.  

Anyways, it definetely powers down if started with keyboard attached
(it has been attached during these tests).

Thank so far,


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