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FW: cfdisk on sparc?

Is there a cfdisk "like" program out there for sparc? I really just have a
hard time using fdisk, its kinda complicated to use, and cfdisk made It so



ComputerNick a.k.a. Nick Smith
Email - Nick@ComputerNick.com
Web - http://www.ComputerNick.com

|> -----Original Message-----
|> From: Jan-Benedict Glaw [mailto:jbglaw@lug-owl.de]
|> Sent: Monday, September 06, 2004 11:21 AM
|> To: Nick Smith
|> Subject: Re: cfdisk on sparc?
|> On Mon, 2004-09-06 10:59:49 -0400, Nick Smith <nick@computernick.com>
|> wrote in message <20040906145954.A756F4B7DD@dvmwest.gt.owl.de>:
|> > Well I don?t know about you, but im running ext3 and reiser just like I
|> was
|> > on the x86 platform, so to me there is a need for that kind of utility,
|> > don?t know about the whole slice thing but Im pretty sure im not using
|> them,
|> > unless it does it without my knowledge.
|> Well, if you're running on a Sparc, you're most probably running off
|> slices.
|> "Slices" basically serve the same puropse as PC-ish "partitions": divide
|> the hardisk drive into smaller areas. However, the binary encoding of
|> the "partition sector" (very first sector for PC-ish partitions) is made
|> up differently for "partitions" and for "slices". cfdisk can *only*
|> read/write PC-ish partition sectors, so it's useless for Sparc
|> computers, because their firmware cannot read PC-ish partition tables at
|> all.
|> This is why you need a specific (or more flexible) way to partition (or
|> "slice") your harddisk: fdisk. fdisk does know about the different
|> format for slices, but it's a whole lot more complicated to use.
|> Also, notice that ext3 and reiser work on a different level: they're
|> inside partitions/slices, not next to them. So it doesn't matter what
|> filesystems you're using at all; it's just about cutting the large
|> harddisk into smaller chunks (and the firmware/BIOS needs to understand
|> that "language").
|> MfG, JBG
|> --
|> Jan-Benedict Glaw       jbglaw@lug-owl.de    . +49-172-7608481
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