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Re: problem with bterm and frame-buffer ?

In article <[🔎] 20040423164908.GA8813@poindessous.com> 
thomas@poindessous.com writes:
>some d-i testers report a lot of problem with bterm and framebuffer with
>some video cards.
>Can you, dear Debian Sparc User :), test bterm from unstable and report
>success or error with your video card model ?
>Thanks a lot !
>bterm is in bogl-bterm package.

You should have mentioned the manditory option and how to create the
fond file for it.

Ultra 30, Creator (or is it creator 3d?):

Segmentation fault

Bug filed.

Blars Blarson			blarson@blars.org
With Microsoft, failure is not an option.  It is a standard feature.

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