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Re: Debian + HardDrive 250GB

Hi Lorenzo, 
You can make the partitions in a normal PC with fdisk or cfdisk. Once 
you get the metadata written in the harddisk, kernel will detect 
the right geometry information and passing them to the fdisk. 
After that you can make any partitions you want in your debian-sparc 
Nevertheless, I have some problems running big harddisk with the 
RAID which will be my question in my next email. 
Dev Gaul 
Lorenzo <ariox@free.fr> schrieb am 15.04.04 15:09:54: 
> Hi everyone, 
> I've an Ultra10 workstation with Debian on it. 
> I just bought a new Hitachi Deskstar 250GB an install in it. 
> Here is wat i get in my logs : 
> ... 
> hdb: HDS722525VLAT80, ATA DISK drive 
> hdb: 268435455 sectors (137439 MB) w/7938KiB Cache, CHS=266305/16/63, (U)DMA 
> ... 
> My problem is that it only recognise a maximum of 30GB (glurps !! :-) after 
> setting up with fdisk utilities. 
> I tried different specifications in fdisk but no success, i'm stuck with the 
> number of Cylinders : the drive specifies 266305 and fdisk don't let me 
> specify more than 65535. 
> Does anyone have an idea/suggestion/tips to help me ? 
> Thanx. 
> Lorenzo 
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