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Re: Seagate Barracuda drives for SparcStation20

Blars Blarson wrote:

> In article <20040308194115.GA3405@artsapartment.org> ahaas@airmail.net
> writes:
>>Barracuda drives, each 9G in size. The model number is ST19171WC.
> If you can get one to fit in your sparc 20, it should work fine.  I've
> had mixed experince with seagate drives, (some had high infant
> mortality) and none with that model.  You may be able to use it in the
> upper slot with the cover off.
> Cases designed for sca drives are wide, so you would need an adapter
> cable.  You could use a case designed for narrow with a sca-50pin
> adapter, but they sometimes fall off and you need a little extra room
> in the case.
> Since www.surpluscomputers.com has 9 gig sca 1" high drives for $10, I
> think that would be the cheapest and easiest solution.  (Disclaimer:
> While I'm a reasonably satisified customer, I've never mail ordered
> from them.)

I have mail ordered from surpluscomputers.com and been very pleased.  I have
ordered direct and bought from them via ebay (that is how I found them). 
Very helpfull staff when something gets confused.  I suppose I should not
say that.  someone else might actually be interested in the old sun
hardware they sometimes have.

disclaimer:  I do not work for or know any one who does.......

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