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RE: most stable kernel for sparc32/SMP ?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thomas Nemeth
> Le 03.11.03, Mika Valtonen a tapoté :
> | hi,
> 	Hi.


> | I got a SPARCstation 20 two weeks ago (2 Processors(SuperSparc 50),
> | 64M). Now I try to get the most stable combination of a recent debian
> 	I've got quite the same (2x75, 384M).

SS20, 2x150 HyperSparc, 128MB

> julie[~] uname -a
> Linux julie 2.4.21 #1 SMP Thu Aug 7 19:29:27 EDT 2003 sparc GNU/Linux

Self-configured/compiles kernel (kernel.org, no patch)

Linux rdo 2.4.21-sparc-smp #1 SMP Sun Jul 13 11:03:13 CDT 2003 sparc unknown

> julie[~] cat /etc/debian_version
> testing/unstable

cat /etc/debian_version

> julie[~] uptime
>  08:09:35 up 11 days, 41 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.06, 0.16, 0.07

09:53:23 up 29 days,  3:28,  1 user,  load average: 0.07, 0.05, 0.01

I already reached more than 90 days of uptime, record stopped because of
reboot due to disk upgrade

> pps. Un mythe grandement exagéré veut que les Sun produisent un peu de
> chaleur en fonctionnement. C'est bien sûr ridicule. Mais évite quand même
> de poser ta main sur le capot sans gants de protection.
> -+- MV in fcss : "en hiver, ce chauffage d'appoint ne sera pas
> inutile !" -+-

LOL! Is this why I added a blower? And also it may be why my wife is
complaining about the temperature in her closet...

> Ta mère elle debug du fortran 77.

LOL! (Again)


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