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UltraSparc 10 - cannot boot

Hi everybody,

I wanted to start a debian installation on an SUN UltraSparc 10, I have read that I may experience problems installing it, and indeed, I have problems.

I have burnt the sparc CD1 iso - nonUs to a cd rw, and tried to boot on it from openboot - 

ok boot cdrom

The "disk label" is not recognised, no "boot device" found etc. I found some message in the archive, but no solutions -- one was floppy - but I get the same error with both sun4u and sun4cm burnt images (dd if=root.img of=<floppydevice>). 

The solaris CD boots perfectly. The floppy boots correctly on an old sparc 5. 

How could I force my ultra10 to boot from the floppy, tune openboot?? -
are there particular options to burn the CD?

thanks for your support,

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