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RE: 1st time installation on a Sun Sparc Ultra 10...

Title: RE: 1st time installation on a Sun Sparc Ultra 10...

Hey Ben / Craige,

Yes I burnt it myself using Easy CD Creator 5 Platinum (Roxio) using the "record CD from HD image"

I downloaded it from:

and checked the m5d checksum to make sure it was correct.

I assumed it was okay considering there's case sensitivity and the file extensions weren't truncated:

eg: /etc/silo.conf


-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Collins [mailto:bcollins@debian.org]
Sent: Friday, 9 November 2001 11:50 AM
To: Gordon Cormack
Cc: 'debian-sparc@lists.debian.org'
Subject: Re: 1st time installation on a Sun Sparc Ultra 10...

> - The ISO was burnt correctly and contains case-sensitive file structures
> (debian-2.2r3-sparc-1.iso)

Did you create this CD yourself?

/                   Ben Collins    --    Debian GNU/Linux                  \
`  bcollins@debian.org  --  bcollins@openldap.org  --  bcollins@linux.com  '

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