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Re: Sparc ELC w limited resources - trouble installing


I got it going with the install root image written to the swap partition.
Booted nicely over tftp.
Then switching to the (preinstalled) base partition and going through the
No problems, even got the kernel/drivers from the net, using the IP
The penguin is garbled in my BW FB.

Prereqs: bootp server, tftp server, rarp entry.

Version installed: May 28

I'll go through the dselect process next.

I couldn't get the installation going over NFS, though.  I've got knfsd up
and running and
can mount between intel Linux machines without a hitch.  When the kernel
tries to boot
it doesn't get a reply from the portmapper and falls back to the default
port (which is?),
Failing finally with '-5'.

I can't see why my (intel linux) portmapper wouldn't answer, or why the
whole process aborts
at the end.  It is, however, clear indication that the kernels I'd tried
before were not NFS

Any comments on what the problem might be with the NFS boot?  (Not that I
need that now,
but to satisfy my curiosity!).  Once installed, I'll also try to NFS mount
the same drive normally.


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