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missing packages in slink (continued)

Here is a list of missing packages in the main part of slink for the sparc
needed to build the Tasks & Profiles lists of bootdisks.

 Section         Package             Version
 admin           dialdcost           0.2-1
*base            isapnptools         1.16-4.1
 base            libgdbmg1           1.7.3-25
 base            therm-0.0.8         1-1
 devel           eperl               2.2.14-0.2
 base            libgdbmg1-dev       1.7.3-25
 devel           fakeroot            0.0-17
 doc             gclinfo             2.2-6
 editors         gedit               0.3.2-2
 editors         the                 2.5.2-2
 games           abuse-lib           2.00-5
 games           abuse               2.00-12
 games           luxman              0.41-7
 games           razzle              970417-3
*games           vgacardgames        1.3.1-4
*games           vgagamespack        1.3-7
 games           xboing              2.4-13
 graphics        acidwarp            1.0-2
 graphics        moonlight           0.5.3-2
 graphics        sane                0.74-2
 graphics        sced                0.94-5
 graphics        xmorph              17nov97-1
 graphics        zgv                 3.0-1.2
 interpreters    clisp               1997-12-06-1
 interpreters    gcl                 2.2.1-2
 interpreters    libgtk-perl         0.3-3
 interpreters    perl-tk             800.011-1
 libs            tcl7.6              7.6p2-7
 libs            tk4.2               4.2p2-7
 libs            tkstep8.0           8.0p2-3.3
 math            felt                3.02-4
 math            xlispstat           3.52.0-3
 math            xspread             3.1.1c-4
 net             diald               0.16.5-3
 net             epic4-help          4-0pre2-2
 net             epic4               pre2-8
 net             epic                3.004-10
 net             isdnutils           3.0-9
 net             mclient             1.0-1
 net             netdiag             0.6-3.2
 net             netstd              3.07-7.1.slink.1
 sound           mctools-lite        970129-5
 sound           mixviews            1.20-3
 sound           playmidi            2.3-22
 text            gv                  3.5.8-9
 text            xless               1.7-5
 utils           afbackup            3.1beta1-1
 utils           ltrace              0.3.6
 utils           mc                  4.5.1-1
 utils           mmv                 1.01b-7
 utils           xosview             1.6.1-2
 web             amaya               1.3-1
 web             apache              1.3.3-4
 web             htdig               3.1.0b1-1
 web             mozilla             19981008-0.1
 web             php3                3.0.5-3
 web             vrweb               1.5-2
 x11             eterm-backgrounds   1.0-1
 x11             eterm               0.8.7-0.4
 x11             rxvt                2.4.5-15
 x11             tkdesk              1.1-1
 x11             vtwm                5.4.4-3

Some packages are irrelevant for sparc (like isapnptools, vgacardgames,
I will remove them from the Tasks & Profiles lists.
However what to do about the others ?
Will there a chance to see them in slink ?

Thanks in advance.

 Eric Delaunay                 | "La guerre justifie l'existence des militaires.
 delaunay@lix.polytechnique.fr | En les supprimant." Henri Jeanson (1900-1970)

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