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New name for glibc-sparc?

	The `glibc-sparc' *source* package is what we are using now as
the sources for libc6 in Sparc; however, there's nothing
sparc-specific on it, it's just a newer version of the `glibc' used in
other architectures.  We need another source package name so that the
two versions can coexist.

	It's used mainly on Sparc, but it may be used in other archs
sooner or later.  The `powerpc' people, for example, is willing to use
it, and we may try to use it for i386 after Debian 2.0 is released.

	However, I would like to change its name: `glibc-sparc' seems
very sparc-specific, and I would like to hear your suggestions on this
issue.  How about `glibc-pre2.1'?  (it's based on pre-alpha versions
of glibc-2.1).

	(BTW: I would like to use `glibc-alpha', but that could
confuse the AXP people :))

	Other alternatives would be `glibc-beta', `glibc-exp',


Juan Cespedes

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