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Re: SPARCStation 1 questions

> What I have on hand is:
> 	SPARCStation 1 with floppy drive, no disk or RAM.
> 	Two-slot video card, probably color.

Two-slot ones are usually a CG6

> 	Video cable.
> 	Sun keyboard.
> 	Sun Optical Mouse.
> 	A few RGB Monitors that should work.
> What I can provide is:
> 	RAM
> 	SCSI-2 Disk.
> What I am missing is:
> 	Keyboard cable.
> 	Optical mouse pad.
> 	Knowledge.
> 	Hardware documentation.
> I have 4 1MB non-parity SIMMS from an old PC. Will the system accept
> non-parity RAM? What RAM slots do I populate first? I can probably round
> up 16MB of those SIMMS if they work.  I might be able to find some parity
> ones, for example from an old Mac II.

In know that SunOS demands parity SIMMs, sparclinux might too, but I'm
not 100% sure.

>From the hardware FAQ:

        Memory consists of up to sixteen 1M (501-1408) or 4M (501-1625
        or 501-1739) x 9 30-pin 80 or 100ns SIMMs, in four banks. Banks
        must be filled in the order 0, 2, 1, 3, and SIMM types may not
        be mixed within banks.

                Nearest disk connectors
                 _______     _______
                |       |   |       |
                |   0   |   |   1   |
                |       |   |       |
                |_______|   |_______|

                 _______     _______
                |       |   |       |
                |   2   |   |   3   |
                |       |   |       |
                |_______|   |_______|

                Nearest SBus connectors

> Will the system light up the frame buffer with no disk plugged into it,
> and no keyboard? So far, it just puts on the front panel light (solid),
> and one mouse LED, and does not beep, but that may be because I have the
> RAM in the wrong slots and no keyboard connected. Will it try to use the
> serial port for a console if there's no keyboard connected?

Without proper ram you get no video.  It should show video without
keyboard being plugged in.  On my LX it shows video, complains about
no input device and jumps to serial console.  Unplugging the video
card will guarentee going to the serial console.

> If I can't dig one up at Pixar, does anyone have a spare keyboard cable?
> Does the cable from any other sort of computer work?

We might here (packed in a storage box currently - let me know).  It
is an 8 pin DIN connector:

   The pinout of the DIN-8 connector (female, on the CPU) is:

            7           1  GND              5  TxDA (Keyboard)
        8       6       2  GND              6  RxDA (Keyboard)
        5   4   3       3  Vcc              7  TxDB (Mouse)
          2   1         4  RxDB (Mouse)     8  Vcc


Jim Mintha (mintha@geog.ubc.ca)    Home: (604) 731-7240
Geography System Administrator     Work: (604) 822-2174 Fax: 822-6150
                              Home Page: http://www.geog.ubc.ca/~jim/
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