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Re: Nightly builds of sourceforge (e.g. glx)

On Mon, 31 Jan 2000, Jules Bean wrote:
> This is a very good point.  No super-cunning answers spring to mind.
> Maybe someone else can think of one.

Suffix the upstream version with the date & keep as far back as "n"
dates worth of .deb's in each package section.

Again, the sys admin has control over updating to the latest snap.
nothing is done automagically.  if you are already running a CVS
version that works for you, you'll continue to run that version,
even if later CVS builds are avaiable until such time as you select
a later build (perhaps based on tips from other users or from the
mailing lists regarding its stability).

Or, if there is a desire to really stay up-to-date at all times without
manually messing with selecting new versions, a foo-current could be built
that is merely a copy of the latest build, only the versioning is dropped. 
It would be a matter of personal choice then, whether the most recent
version is tracked when you do your updates or not, and if anything screws
up, the sys admin could still fall back to an earlier "versioned" package.

    nSLUG       http://www.nslug.ns.ca      synrg@sanctuary.nslug.ns.ca
    Debian      http://www.debian.org       synrg@debian.org
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