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Re: What configuration prefix ?

On Wed, Dec 16, 1998 at 01:06:37PM -0800, Jim Pick wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm going to try to get gnome-libs to build some snapshot-style
> packages from out of the CVS.
> Where should we install this stuff?
> I was thinking we could put everything under /opt/dsp
> Where dsp = Debian Snapshots Project.  Of course, dsp also stands for
> "digital signal processor".  Do you think people will get confused?

Yes.  Acronym overuse is bad, and DSP has been around for a long time. 
How about /opt/snapshots?

> What do people think of using /opt?  I think it's a better choice than
> putting things under /usr/local.  And we don't want to put things in
> the FSSTND locations, because we want to be able to install these at
> the same time as the released Debian packages without causing
> conflicts.

I'm not fond of /opt in general, but I agree the alternatives are

> Also, how's this for a naming scheme?
>   Regular Packages         Snapshot Packages
>   ----------------         -----------------
>   gnome-hello              dsp-gnome-hello
> The idea is that both sets of packages can be installed at the same
> time.  By having the 'dsp-' prefix at the beginning of the name, the
> packages have a nice sort order.
> Another issue that the recent Gnome freeze just brought up: now there
> are two branches of the CVS - a stable branch and an unstable branch.
> I'll follow the stable branch for now with my snapshots.  But how
> should we handle the situation in the future where there are two
> branches we want to track?

Perhaps snap-stable-gnome-hello?  Or dsp-stable-gnome-hello if you
prefer, but it's less immediately obvious.  And /opt/snapshots-stable?


/--------------------------------\  /--------------------------------\
|       Daniel Jacobowitz        |__|     CMU, CS class of 2002      |
|   Debian GNU/Linux Developer    __   Part-Time Systems Programmer  |
|         dan@debian.org         |  |        drow@cs.cmu.edu         |
\--------------------------------/  \--------------------------------/

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