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Re: rewriteSystem in docbook-xsl XML catalog

Michael Smith wrote:

I notice that the catalog.xml in your docbook-xsl package contains
both rewriteURI and rewriteSystem entries. I'm wondering why the
rewriteSystem entries are there and if they are necessary.

Hi Mike,

The only reason I put them in there is because there was a time when libxml2/libxslt didn't support uri elements, and so the system elements were required. IIRC, someone even filed a bug because of this. In fact, I submitted editorial patches to the XML Catalogs spec that clarified this very point, so I do grok the issue you raise.

I do understand the difference between a URI and a SYSTEM identifier as defined in Production 70 of the XML spec, I was simply trying to play it "safe".

I know that it's also an improper implementation of the XML catalogs spec, too. I filed a bug against libxml2 a long time ago & I believe it now properly supports the uri element.

I'll fix the catalogs when I do the next update, as I'm sure someone will find another bug. For now, the extra "system" entry doesn't really do any harm.

Thanks for pointing it out, though.


The only circumtance in which I could see them being needed was
if someone wanted to define an entity in a DTD subset in a
document instance (not an XSLT stylesheet) and reference that
entity in the document instance (as a way of including the entire
stylesheet in the document). That doesn't seem to me like
something most people (or maybe, anybody) would ever want to do.

In the case of XSLT stylesheets, they always use the URI as the
value on an import or include statement, right? So the
rewriteSystem catalog entries are never used.


Mark Johnson      <mrj@debian.org>
Debian XML/SGML:  <http://debian-xml-sgml.alioth.debian.org>
Home Page:        <http://dulug.duke.edu/~mark/>
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