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Re: SGML in woody problems

Neil> Psgml works great to edit the documents, and it seems to find and understand
Neil> the associated DTDs.  The problems start when I attempt to use sgmls, osgmls,
Neil> jade or openjade.  I get lots of errors, and they start with errors about the
Neil> doctype.  It is obviously a case sensitivity issue.  I tried using jade on
Neil> demo.sgm with demo.dsl, and got errors.  When I changed "doctype" to "DOCTYPE"
Neil> the first error went away, when I changed "system" to "SYSTEM" the second
Neil> error went away, etc.  How do I make these tools case insensitive?

I don't have this problem, and I've used sp and jade (the James Clark
versions exclusively, no o*) to process both SGML (debiandoc) and XML
(docbk) documents.  The symptom (case sensitivity) smells of wrong
SGML declaration being used.  And I have a hunch that a conflict
between sp and opensp might be involved.

I am really surprised that the sp and opensp packages don't declare a
conflict.  Are they really supposed to both work on the same system?

Ian Zimmerman, Oakland, California, U.S.A.
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